Mr. Michael R. Hübner
Manager HydrogenHy.Region.Rhein.Ruhr e.V.

In Duisburg and the Rhine-Ruhr region, the Hy.Region.Rhein.Ruhr e.V. is growing as an exchange and support platform for the realization of the transformation process into a climate-neutral region. In addition, an accelerated market launch of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and hydrogen-based industrial processes and thus the realization of a green hydrogen economy will be focused on. The hydrogen initiative "Hy.Region.Rhein.Ruhr e.V." offers local business and science the opportunity to network for the development and participation in a hydrogen economy

Hy.Region.Rhein.Ruhr e.V.

c/o Duisburg Business & Innovation GmbH

Hydrogen is a key energy carrier of the future. The areas of application are large, from a storage facility for regenerative energy to an energy source for mobility, heat and industry to an important intermediate stage for the sustainable production of basic chemicals and fuels. The development towards an economical use of hydrogen is already in full swing. In the future, hydrogen will be an important part of a CO2-emission-free economy and energy technology. As an important industrial and logistics location, Duisburg offers a wide range of applications for hydrogen and at the same time opportunities for large-scale production and use of by-products. This makes hydrogen an important product and a key to sustainable industrial production in the region. With the hydrogen association "Hy.Region.Rhein.Ruhr e.V.", a central interface for the activities of the various partners in the field of hydrogen economy in Duisburg and the surrounding area is being created. This gives all participants the opportunity to adapt to the changed framework conditions of a future CO2-emission-free economy and energy technology, and to benefit from a hydrogen model region.